Hearts Go Out Tonight to Those on the South Side Who Lost Their Church

Tonight my hearts go out to those who went to the Beacon Light Ministry Church down on the 11000 Block of South Michigan Avenue. Yesterday around 1:00 P.M. the church caught fire and burnt until this morning.

The church now is no more than a smoldering pit of rubble, along with a food pantry next door which had been caught in the fire as well. The reason for the long fire is due to the ambers relighting after it had been believed to have been put out. Luckily, no one was inside the Church at the start of the fire since the whole congregation was over at the Shedd Aquarium for Martin Luther King Day.

The fire department is now looking to see the potential cause for the fire. So tonight I want to send a prayer to all of those affected by the fire, and hope that they get a new place to worship, and that they get help from their community that they need. If you want to know how you can help, you can head over to the main CBS report here.

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