On Wednesday, a global health policy professor at the London School of Economics was trying to talk about coronavirus lockdowns when her adorable daughter came into the shot, holding a framed picture of a unicorn. As the child tried to decide where on a bookshelf to place the picture, BBC journalist Christian Fraser asked for her name.
"She's called Scarlett," mom Clare Wenham replied. Fraser then said, "Scarlett, I think it looks better on the lower shelf... and it's a lovely unicorn." A stunned Scarlett replied, "Mummy, what's his name? What's his name?" Upon learning his name is Christian, Scarlett said, "Christian, I’m just deciding where mummy wants [the frame] to go. Mummy, where do you want it to go?" An amused Fraser remarked, "This is the most informative interview I've done all day."
On Thursday, Wenham tweeted, "We’ve decided on a shelf for the unicorn. Thanks to all for kind words normalizing the work-parent balance that so many are juggling amid COVID-19 chaos." She later tweeted a link to a story she wrote about the pandemic for TIME and said, "While you’re here admiring Scarlett’s unicorn, please also check out my research on COVID-19."