Whelp, life just got a WHOLE lot better!! LOL! I'm not sure about you but I either need to take a trip OR move so I can experience this! There is nothing more magnificent than getting to play with a whole pack of doggies, especially when they are beautiful golden retrievers. It's truly magical. There is now a location called The Golden Retriever Experience that is run by a family in the UK where you come and play with a pack of trained Golden Retrievers. Take a look at their instagram page at The Golden Retriever Experience and tell me when you are ready to take a trip with me! Heaven on earth, and Bravo to the family that came up with this little slice of joy...when the world needs it the most.
Here's something else! A BONUS awesome opportunity to see these amazing pups! Lauren St. James is one of the Co-Founders of the Golden Retriever Experience and a singer songwriter. Here's a look at her NEW SONG and music video....