A New Mural to bring Light to Lawndale Sidewalks

Over in North Lawndale, a mural is being made to make a once dark street brighter and more pedestrian friendly. Students at SAIC Design Homan Square, are designing an LED mural that is to be installed at Homan Avenue and Harrison Street, near the Kedzie-Homan Blue Line station.

The LED mural is inspired by Electric Street in Philadelphia, a public art project created along a secluded street that saw much illicit activity before the project was installed. The mural is part of effort led by the North Lawndale Community Coordinating Council to make the Homan Square neighborhood more walkable, especially around transit stations.

The design of the mural has also been inspired by community input with themes ranging from: Afrofuturism, female strength, unity, and the historical roots of North Lawndale. There is a great article at BLOCK CLUB CHICAGO that gives you a more detailed description of what the murals are going to be like if you want to know more.

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