Is Keebler Fudging Its Own Fudge?

Photo: Getty Images

  • The Keebler elves could have a fight in court.
  • This guy has been trying to drum up a class-action lawsuit against cookie-maker Keebler since January, alleging that the company's Fudge Stripe cookies aren't made with real fudge.  
  • The plaintiff says in the suit that fudge should only contain three ingredients; butter, milk, and sugar. He says Keebler's fudging its ingredients by also using vegetable syrup and whey.
  • Now he's coming for Fudge Stripes' mint version, claiming Keebler doesn't list "mint" in its cookies' ingredients, but only "natural and artificial flavors."
  • When it comes to the court of public opinion, folks on Twitter and Reddit have called the lawsuits "frivolous" while accusing the plaintiff of "looking for a payout."
  • The Keebler elves haven't commented on the accusations at this time.

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