Pond Restoration in Lincoln Park.

Some good news coming to Lincoln Park that is going to restore some beauty to a part of the park that needs it.

Recently, the Chicago Plan Commission approved restoration of the Pond Nature Sanctuary in Lincoln Park. Located between Cannon Drive and Stockton Drive, the project aims to preserve the existing north pond built in the mind-1880’s.

If you are unsure where exactly it is, notable sites on it include the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum and the North Pond Restaurant . The over 100-year-old pond has been ridden with issues since its beginning, mainly due to its shallowness, and lack of connection to a flowing body of water to keep it fresh, forcing it to be filled with city water.

The plan to fix these problems has been split into 4 phases. The First involves dredging 25 % of the pond to 8 feet deep while at the same time preserving the area's biodiversity, Phases 2 and 3 are aimed to improve experience with additions of new park paths and lighting. Phase 4 is reconstruction of the pier along the lake.

If you want to know more about the lake update, details on how they plan on updating it, and what to expect, head on over to the main article here.

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