Car Parked in Same Spot for 47 Years Becomes a Local Legend in Italy

  • Conegliano, Italy is about to lose one of its most famous landmarks, a car parked in the same spot for the last 47 years.
  • Angelo Fregolenti would park his 1962 Lancia Fulvia in front of the newsstand he ran for 40 years with his wife, unloading newspapers from the car's trunk.
  • When the couple retired in 1974, Fregolenti left the little four-door sedan parked where it was. Decades later, it's become a treasure for the residents of Conegliano, a hotspot for selfies, and even has the honor of appearing on Google maps.
  • Now, local authorities are towing the car to ease traffic on the street. But the little Lancia won't be crushed or left to rust in a salvage yard; it will be restored and placed in the garden of a nearby school.

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