Free Scholarships Given at Chicago High Schools.

This city always amazes me by the amount of kind gestures and love that it seems to share within our communities. One of these gestures happened a couple days ago.

Over in Pilsen and Garfield Park, thousands of students at two high schools were surprised with full rides to college. Students at Benito Juarez Community Academy and Al Raby High School were given full scholarships thanks to Hope Chicago, a nonprofit that funds college scholarships for Chicago Public School students. The scholarships cover tuition, room and board, books and fees at any of Hope Chicago’s 20 partner colleges and universities in Illinois. The list includes four-year public colleges in the state, two-year City Colleges of Chicago, some private schools and trade schools. The students will also receive a seven hundred and fifty dollar stipend at the beginning of each year to use for any expenses they choose.

Juarez and Raby are the first schools to receive this good news. Three other Chicago schools on the South, West, and Southwest Sides will get the same surprise throughout the rest of the week.

If you want to know more about this amazing gift to the students of the city, head on over to the main article here.  

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