Reasons You Can't Remember Something According to Science

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Forgetful? Experts have share the five biggest reasons for memory loss:

  • Depression and anxiety. One expert told "People dealing with depression or anxiety may find it harder to remember specific memories, events or facts,"
  • Head trauma - One neurologist said "If you sustained a head injury years ago and are having persistent issues with your cognitive function, such as feeling foggy or slowed down, difficulty concentrating, memory loss or confusion, you should definitely talk to your doctor."
  • Long COVID - A doc explained, "People struggling with the effects of long COVID may have noticeable problems with attention, memory, and executive function."
  • Diabetes - If your body's main source of fuel isn't in control, it can do damage to the brain over time.
  • Lack of sleep - Experts called the lack of sleep "the greatest unappreciated cause of forgetfulness."

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