Watch This If You Take A Lot Of Over-The-Counter Meds For Migraine

If you’ve battled migraine for years like I have, you’ve had plenty of vacations hijacked because of pain.

Can you imagine your family trip not only ruined because of migraine, but then a trip to the hospital ending in life-saving emergency surgery?

Find out how migraine attacked one woman’s gut. It’s a real story and you’ll meet the lady who survived this ordeal in the new webinar series called ‘Me vs Migraine’.

Catch it Monday, July 25th at 5 pm ET/ 2 pm PT.

It’s free to register and you can do it right now. Here's the link to sign up to watch for free.

If you regularly take over-the-counter meds to treat your pain then you owe it to yourself to listen to and watch Wendy Neri's story.

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