Chinatown Restaurant Owner Helps Feed Seniors

Over in Chinatown, a local restaurant owner has been starting off his weeks giving back to the elderly in his community. Jackson Chiu, who owns 312 Fish Market, has been spending every Monday feeding about 10 elderly folks since the beginning of the year.

Over time Chiu became such an inspiration for his community that neighboring Chiu Quon Bakery and 88 Marketplace have decided to join in the efforts by offering up buns, fruits, and vegetables to the elderly as well. Even the Chicago Police Department has been helping out in this act of kindness.

Chiu said that his acts of kindness were not just to bring the community together, but also to say thank you to the elderly who helped to build the community.

If you want to know more about this great act of kindness head on over to the main article here. Thank you so Much Jackson Chiu for helping out the community and caring for the elderly.

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