Congratulations to the Vienna Beef Top Dog!

Over the past couple of weeks thousands of Chicagoans ate hot dogs in hopes of becoming named Vienna Beef’s Top Dog, but only one Southsider earned that title.

Stephanie Esposito, of the Southwest Side, visited 367 hot dog stands in just five weeks to win the Vienna Beef’s Top Dog Stand Challenge. While she doesn’t quite know how many hot dogs she had a day, she does know that in the 35-day span of the challenge, she visited an average of more than 10 stands per day.

By becoming Vienna Beef Top Dog, Esposito received a Top Dog T-Shirt, a one-thousand-dollar Vienna Beef Gift card, and a one-of-a-kind Top Dog Trophy. Esposito is planning on using part of her prize on the kids and the older people she works with in her job teaching sports and recreation at the Park District.

If you want to know more about this Vienna Beef Challenge winner, head on over to the main article here. Congratulations Stephanie for becoming the Top Dog in Chicago!

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