Photographer Captures Midway!

The culture of Chicago is so diverse, like the plants that line all of our parks, each tree having its own story in its bark, each flower petals having different hues of colors. Just like the plants around the city, each neighborhood has its own story.

A local Photographer Paul D’Amato wanted to capture each neighborhood, and where he started is somewhere Chicagoans might look over, or more likely fly over. Last month, D’Amato released a series of photographs of those who live in the neighborhoods that surround Midway Airport, neighborhoods that include Chicago Lawn, Brighton Park, West Lawn, and Garfield Ridge.

D’Amato aimed to capture how unique Midway Airport is, and how the houses of the neighborhoods surrounding it run right up against it, nearly 50 feet away from the wall that separates them from the tarmac where the planes are landing. All the photos are fascinating and show a true glimpse into what it is like to live in the neighborhoods around the airport.

I encourage you to head over to the main article here to check out these wonderful photos capturing our city.

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