Ontario Woman Wakes Up to a Meteorite Landing on Her Pillow

  • An Ontario woman woke up to an intergalactic bed hog on October 4th when a meteorite crashed through her roof and landed right on her pillow.
  • Ruth Hamilton had been snoozing for a while when she woke up to her dog barking the sound of "a huge explosion and debris all over" her face.
  • After discovering a huge hole in her ceiling, Hamilton called 911. While on the phone with the dispatcher trying to figure out what happened, Hamilton rolled back one of her pillows and found a "melon-sized" rock that landed inches from her head.
  • She thought the rock might have come from a nearby canyon blasting project. The company behind the project told her no blasting had taken place but some of the workers had heard a loud boom and saw a bright flash of light streak across the sky.
  • Western University confirmed that Hamilton's rock was indeed a meteorite. The university is asking anyone with any possible footage of the meteorite's fall to contact the school.
  • Hamilton has had her soul shaken by the falling space debris, saying "The only other thing I can think of saying is life is precious and it could be gone at any moment even when you think you are safe and secure in your bed. I hope I never ever take it for granted again."

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