It ISN'T really Halloween until the neighbors of Chicago see what my friend Joseph Lee of Park Ridge is up to on his front lawn! For the past several years he has wowed us all with his creative and elaborate displays that take on the theme of movies we all love. He started with "Dirty Dancing", followed up with last year's incredible "Titanic" (even though it was a rough year, Joseph said "My heart will ghoul on!"), and this year's take on Ghostbusters. He's had everything imaginable on his lawn from Yoga skeletons, to beat boxing and break dancing skeletons and ALL of them bring joy to the neighbors and people of Chicago who stop by. He told me his biggest pressure now every year is trying to figure out what to do next! You can come visit his AMAZING decor in Park Ridge by parking at Washington Elementary School at 1500 Stewart (Park Ridge). You can see the top of the Stay Puft Marshmallow man from the parking lot. He is at 1701 Norman Blvd. I ain't afraid of No ghosts!
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