Melissa Forman in the Morning

Melissa Forman in the Morning

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Not to Alarm Anyone, but Scientists Taught Goldfish to Drive

Photo: Universal Images Group via Getty

  • Scientists in Israel have used their best minds - to teach goldfish how to drive.
  • Biologists, trying to discover the origin of navigational skills, created a Fish Operated Vehicle, or FOV, by slapping a tank filled with fish on top of wheels outfitted with a camera and computer.
  • One researcher explained, "The vehicle was designed to detect the fish’s position in the water tank and react by activating the wheels, moving it in a specific direction according to the fish’s position."
  • The fish in the FOV, a six-seater, traveled at speeds topping out at less than a mile an hour.
  • Researchers concluded that the "study suggests that fish can learn to control a vehicle and use simple navigation strategies to successfully perform a task."
  • Based on the experiment's videos it looks like these fish need a "warning: student driver" sticker on that tank.

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