- It's a tragic tale of broken dreams - dreams of owning the world's largest potato.
- Last August, Colin and Donna Craig-Brown of New Zealand thought they'd struck gold when they unearthed what appeared to be the largest potato they'd ever seen - which the couple nicknamed 'Doug'.
- At 17 pounds, it was the size of a Thanksgiving turkey and much larger than the current world record of 11 pounds. Doug quickly became a star - appearing on news broadcasts and TV shows like Inside Edition.
- But the dream didn't last - earlier this month, the Guinness Book of World Records informed the Craig-Browns that according to lab tests, Doug was not a potato at all, but a type of gourd.
- Colin still has no idea how Doug popped up in his garden in the first place. In the meantime, he's tucked away in a deep freezer on the farm.
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