Photo: E+
- Seeing a driver in the midst of road rage can be a scary and even dangerous experience. So, what should you do if someone sharing the road with you spirals? Lifehacker offers these tips:
- Get out of the way - It may not always be possible to get away from a driver with road rage, but if you're the target of their anger try to get some distance between yourself and them.
- Put your pride aside - As tempting as it may be to respond to a driver with road rage with matching anger, don't. Don't pull up to them, challenge them by speeding, or throw up your middle finger. You could be antagonizing someone who could put you in a much worse situation.
- Don't make eye contact - Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.
- Be empathetic - One psychologist said "Assume that this driver’s rage is situational and not indicative of a character flaw. Underneath anger is usually sadness. So, imagine that they just received some of the worst news in their life and they don’t know how to cope with it. Wish them the best and move on.”