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You may be looking for something FUN (or scaaaarryyyy) to do this Halloween. How about you visit one of the most haunted towns in the US? Well, if it's in your plans then here is the list of some to check out courtesy of 'Best Life'......
- St. Augustine, Florida has the city's Lighthouse Ghost Tour, which takes you to the lighthouse allegedly haunted by three young girls who died in a fire. Plus the Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon is still searching for the city's fountain of youth. Eeeeek
- Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is allegedly filled with ghosts of soldiers who fought the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.
- Bodie California is not only haunted with ghost sightings and music playing in abandoned bars, but don't even take a rock from this town or you will be haunted for life.
- Bangor, Maine was the inspiration for cities in horror author Stephen King's 'Carrie', 'The Shining' and 'It'.
- Sleepy Hollow, New York, the town which Washington Irving's 1820 short story 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' is based, has cemeteries haunted by its famous residents, like Andrew Carnegie, William Rockefeller, Walter Chrysler and the Headless Horseman.
If you want to see the ENTIRE list you can visit