Melissa Forman in the Morning

Melissa Forman in the Morning

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Important Lessons from the Life of Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen Visits West Sussex

Photo: Getty Images Europe

We are never too old to learn new things about ourselves and the world around us, especially when words of wisdom are imparted from the life of The Queen (Elizabeth II). She lived her life with such poise and grace and we can all take away a few small lessons on how to live our own best life from her example. Here are just a few short leadership lessons from Queen Elizabeth....(from )

  1. Keep Calm and Carry On- Queen Elizabeth learned this the hard way when at age 26, while on an official tour of Kenya, she became Queen after her father fell ill. She embraced her duties, and understood the magnitude of her position. She also became the world's most well known working mother. She did BOTH with such calm and tranquility- never allowing herself to underestimate the importance of either responsibility. The Kingdom and her family had a leader with poise and steadfastness. No matter what you face in your life (highs and lows) move forward with clarity and composure.
  2. Never Complain, Never Explain- There are rumors that the motto of the Windsor Family is, "Never Complain, Never Explain." Nobody on earth followed through on this better than the Queen. She didn't engage in frivolities and gossip as she was the beacon for the family and for the country. She surrounded herself with trusted advisors, didn't engage in public interviews commenting on her position. She just let things be as they were and kept her truth and her emotions close to the vest. Keep your own presence (or brand) consistent in the messaging you wish to convey both professionally and personally.
  3. Adapt to Change- As human beings we are by nature afraid of change. We resist, we avert, we recoil from it. Not the Queen- she learned to embrace it. From the minute the crown was placed on her young head originally destined to be on that of her uncle's- she learned to adapt. Old rules were reorganized and rewritten, traditions were modified, she learned that in order to please her people she would have to emulate their thoughts and feelings. IF you learn nothing else from the Queen- learn to be okay with change. Adapt, modify, move forward. It made her the stoic leader during every turbulent moment in history.
  4. Train Your Predecessors- Queen Elizabeth spent a monumental amount of time diligently and strategically training her heirs apparent. She made time to teach and coach them on what was expected of them. She didn't leave her monarch to chance. She left it exactly as she wanted it. With your business or brand make sure you pass the torch to your team (or family) while you are running it so that they have the skills to carry on as you would want. It's a gift for your family (or brand) to feel they are prepared to take on new roles and responsibilities when you are gone.

for MORE great info on this topic check out this wonderfully written article at

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