Melissa Forman in the Morning

Melissa Forman in the Morning

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A Man Who Bathes Only in Bottled Water

Shark attack

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Well this might be a unique way to eliminate your health issues and An English man says it worked for him. 34 year old John Junior says he has eliminated health issues like anxiety, excema and migraines from his life by staying far away from tap water. He even bathes ONLY in bottled water. It costs him nearly $5,000 a year to bathe in about 30 liters of water daily. He's even cut back on trips to restaurants and coffee shops for his habit. Junior says "I always call [tap water] the devil's drink - even though my friends always laugh at me for it. I don't use it at all. I don't drink it, wash with it, I wash my clothes in bottled water. I used to struggle with extremely bad anxiety constantly and migraines, and after a while I did loads of experiments on myself to try to stop it. I cut loads of different things out of my diet and eventually I just thought that it just had to be the water - so I tried cutting that out and I just feel so much better now." He thinks it's the pH balance in the bottled water that has helped cure all of his issues.

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