Photo: Getty Images
Today (March 7, 2023) is National Cereal Day so just for fun let's see how many of these Cereal Slogan's from your childhood you can GUESS correctly? Producer Jim only got 12/15!
- They're greeeattt......
- Silly Rabbit ______ are for kids!
- They're magically delicious
- He likes it, Hey Mikey!
- The breakfast of Champions
- I'm cocoa for ________
- Follow my nose, it always nose
- Snap, Crackle, Pop
- A is for Apple
- Two scoops of Raisins
- This is big, yeah yeah yeah, it's not small no no no.......
- Kid tested, mother approved
- It's a honey of an O
- This is Quazy Energy
- It stays crunch even in milk
Here are your answers....
- Frosted Flakes
- Trix
- Lucky Charms
- Life
- Wheaties
- Cocoa Puffs
- Froot Loops
- Rice Krispies
- Apple Jacks
- Raisin Bran
- Honeycomb
- Kix
- Honey nut Cheerios
- Quisp
- Cap'n Crunch