Photo: Katrin Sauerwein / iStock / Getty Images
It was just National Punch Day!! We were talking about old school punch bowls and the punch that used to go in it!! Remember the punch made with 7up and a whole tub of orange sherbet? lol!!! Well, this had a TON of you calling in with your own delicious recipes you STILL make (thank you TikTok! LOL). Listener Alberta called with her "Margarita Punch" that she says is a HIT at every party she serves it at (including at church!). So, here is the recipe for you to try at home. Let us know how it goes! Or if you decide to make any substitutions/changes.....
Alberta's Margarita Punch
6oz. Frozen Lemon Concentrate
6oz. Frozen limeaide Concentrate
1/2 cup powdered sugar
3 cups crushed ice
1 liter lemon/lime soda
2 thinly sliced limes
Tequila to taste!
Keep frozen ingredients in freezer until about an hour before you are ready to serve. Then when ready put into a bowl and add the lemon/lime soda and thinly sliced limes. Add Tequila to taste!!